Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sometimes it's the best thing.

The last couple of days have been rough for Dad.. and everyone..
He can't get comfortable.
He has a new trick of throwing up his pain pills and every drop of liquid in his belly.
He doesn't want to visit.
A miserable guy.
Mom called the nurse,desperate for some relief.
They said it's time to bring him into the Hospice and get him stabilized.
Pain is bad.
Mike and Topher loaded him up in the car.. and off we went.
The staff were very nice... the boys had them laughing in about 2 seconds.... They quickly learned that we are a crew that can take a joke...
Maybe it was the blue bucket that Topher had attacked with a Sharpie.. "Puke Bucket" one side..
And "Boo boo this is not Pic-i-nic basket" with a cartoon spewing on the other side.

So boring.
Dad settled in nicely at first.. good drugs right into his system... but was regressing tonight.. back to hugging his little blue puke bucket. He is in the right place. They know what to do.. these Saints disguised as nurses do it everyday.

Some may think that we are irreverent.
We all deal with grief our own way..
Some drink or take pills.
Others get angry and punch out innocent walls..
We make jokes.. we say things that we shouldn't and we laugh.
If it seems wrong to those around us, so be it.
The tears are close to the surface, spilling often.
The hugs are always sure to follow.
Checking Dad in..
BTW Sodom's new FaceBook Page has been a fantastic distraction.


  1. Our Grandkid showed us how to do this....
    We have been following Bob's progress since June gave us this blog.spot back in January. We have not known how to make any comments until today. We have been praying constantly that Bob will not suffer undo pain and discomfort. He has been blessed with his family support and our hearts go out to Bob and the family. Our prayers continue to be offered for him and the family at this time.
    Love you, Bill & JaNeane Jacob

  2. If I had only one wish in the world, I would wish for dad’s cancer to go away. I know that wish will never come true. When dad received his cruel diagnosis, his one request was “I don’t want to see long sad faces or any big crocodile tears”. His main concern was how his illness would affect his family and wanted to make sure we treated his sickness, like we treat everything else…..with humor. I have tried to grant him his request, I haven’t always been successful, but I keep trying to look for all the positives.

    Thank you Bill and JaNeane, you presented me with a positive today. It is nice to hear from the people that have touch our lives, people that have shared experiences with dad and all the love I know they have shared.
