Sunday, February 27, 2011

The joys of Xanax

I remember Dad had a couple of good sayings when we were younger..
"As the parents of seven kids, safe sex means not getting caught"
 All I can say is thank God I never caught them.. There isn't enough therapy in this life for that.

Nope not a shrink strong enough..
He also said that God made teenagers sullen and unlikeable, so when the time came, it was easy to let them go off in to the world.

Fine! I can make my own way in this stupid world! See ya later!
The last couple of days he hasn't been feeling so great, a little grumpy, he told Mom.. Maybe he was being a pain in the ass so it would be easy for her to let him go.

The procedure Thursday knocked him harder than we would have liked. He hasn't been sleeping. I told Mom as she was leaving tonight, to feed him some Xanax.. She quickly replied, "I think I will be taking the Xanax tonight."

Hope they both get some sleep.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Plans Change

Forget about Croatia.. those people don't know good food anyway..
Now Spain, Spain is the home of Paella! How bad can it be?
Croatia was proving to be too much. Not being the vacation hot spot of Europe, flights are limited. So now the teenagers are planning on Spain.. A few of their offspring in tow.

Time for a new geography lesson.
Sad that they are going to miss the....
when:Jun 2011 (annual)
where:Castrillo de Murcia

The Baby-Jumping Colacho Festival

Men Dressed as the Devil Jump over the stinky bundles of joy.. taking any and all evil with them.
I guess Spain doesn't have a department of child services.

But if the Macho Spanish men find babies child's play, there is always this....


Teams of 5 to 7 bull leapers gather each year in cities like Valencia or Barcelona, to take part in a performance that many compare to the Russian roulette. Each team may face up to three bulls in the ring, at once, taunting and jumping over them just when the beasts prepare to impale them.
Then there is always the town built under a rock.. yes a rock. Setenil de las Bodegas
 Back in the 1400's they were clever in protecting their villages. Something about the Moor's blah blah blah.. It is just cool to look at.

Looks like a fun place to play.. Lots to see, and do. Damn they are going to miss the Running of the Bulls also..


Friday, February 25, 2011

This is for Dad

He can't remember getting dressed yesterday at the hospital.. or the ride home.... or telling me that I am his very favorite child..

Dad started the day off well enough.. he was out looking at a leaky window, getting ready for this weekends storm..
We went to win our free car, again.. (We didn't)
He gabbed up the neighbors..

Then he started to get nauseous.. quickly excusing himself and running into the house..
Oops.. he forgot again that he is not Superman.

Actually to me he is.. cancer is his stupid Kryptonite.

 The Doctor told him he might feel some pain today as the stent expands a little.. so he took a pain pill and then spent the afternoon in front of the porcelain bowl...

Don't forget the Oscars Sunday!
He isn't hungry.. not even for my pizza..
Hope tomorrow is a better day.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another day spent at the hospital.
At least he didn't have to be there until 11:30.
 I am still amazed at the way our medical system treats their sick.
This time it was Dr. Padmas office. They called Tuesday, said come in Thursday for your procedure. Didn't tell Dad that he needed to fast (being the second time around he knew this on his own) Did bother to tell him that he needed to pre register at the hospital the day before.
They must work them hard at the Doctors office.

They didn't take him into surgery until around 2:30. He was in there only a hour and home by 5:00.
Worn out and cold.. He went right to bed.
Later he had a little snack... a snack that he was throwing up as I backed away... out of the house.. wishing him luck as I departed.

But other than that.. He looks good, is awake and talking.. His throat is sore, but all and all he is doing well!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Back in October, when Dad looked like this....
And I was feeling so yellow.
Dr. Padma went in and put a stent into his pancreas. Unfortunately it was only a temporary stent. (I still don't understand why they would put in a temporary one?  Is it like contact lenses? Nice fresh ones feel that much better? )
Anyway, he needs a new one put in.. And soon. They have been waiting for the office to call. Surprise! It took a call from his GP to get his office to call and set up a appointment for the procedure.
 He goes in tomorrow.. Thank God it is a out patient deal. They go through his mouth to remove and insert the stents.

Obese Surgery Through the Mouth
Looks kinky to me!
Another day spent in the company of hospital staff and stench. Thankfully this time he will not be going to Scummerlin! 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Today was a Doctor day.
It was with Dads GP, a real nice guy. He had some good news.
(If any good can be had when dealing pancreatic cancer.) He told Dad that the tumor in the pancreas won't cause him pain. It is if the cancer spreads that can cause pain.

I think he would like to go with the pain free option!
 So there is a good chance that he won't suffer like we all assumed he would.. 
Hey Dr. Fancy Oncologist, think you could have mentioned that before? Or were you too busy admiring the expensive original art work on the walls of the cancer institute?

"Hey I will be right with and your little cancer concerns, as soon as I figure out what the artist is trying to tell us."

After the appointment I asked if they wanted me to post the Ping Pong table on Craigslist, along with the couch and love seat they are selling..
Dad decided to ask the neighbor if he wanted it for his kids, rather than sell it..They said yes and thank you!
"See ya later"
The couch and love seat also sold... AND the neighbor who they gave the ping pong table to are going to take that big old hot tub!
The woman came over with hugs and joy, so excited.. she was doing a little happy dance.. really she was..

It feels good to do nice things.. even better when those things are genuinely appreciated!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's Amazing!

Guess what day it is?????
February 20.. Sunday!
 Amazing Race day!

It's the show that cannot be missed in this house.
If you want to mess with Dad, pick the biggest Ass on the show and tell him you are rooting for that team.
Every season we say.. Mike and Topher should go on that show..
It makes sense, they are entertaining.. and the show covers its token gays and brother team in a two for one!
Biggest problem would be for the editing team.. it is a family show after all!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sometimes it doesn't pay to gamble.

One day while he was at the track betting on the ponies and nearly losing his shirt, Mitch noticed a priest who stepped out onto the track and blessed the forehead of one of the horses lining up for the 4th race.

Lo and behold, that horse - a very long shot - won the race!

Mitch was most interested to see what the priest did the next race. Sure enough, the priest stepped out onto the track as the 5th race horses lined up, and placed a blessing on the forehead of one of the horses. Mitch made a beeline for the window and placed a small bet on the horse.

Again, even though it was another long shot, the horse the priest had blessed won the race.

Mitch collected his winnings and anxiously waited to see which horse the priest would bless for the 6th race.

The priest showed, blessed a horse, Mitch bet on it, and it won! Mitch was elated! As the day went on, the priest continued blessing horses, and they always came in first.

Mitch began to pull in some serious money, and by the last race, he knew his wildest dreams were going to come true. He made a quick stop at the ATM, withdrew his savings, and awaited the priest's blessing that would tell him which horse to bet on.

True to his pattern, the priest stepped out onto the track before the last race and blessed the forehead, eyes, ears, and hooves of one of the horses.

Mitch bet every cent, and watched the horse come in dead last. Mitch was dumbfounded. He made his way to the track, and when he found the priest,he demanded, "What happened, Father? All day long you blessed horses and they won. The last race, you blessed a horse and he lost. Now, thanks to you, I've lost all my savings!!"

The priest nodded wisely and said, "That's the problem with Protestants--you can't tell the difference between a simple blessing and the Last Rites!"

We have been trying to win a car.. The local Station Casinos are giving away cars! Crappy Chevy's, it doesn't matter, we are going to win one. 10 Casinos 22 days 220 cars..

I want it! It's free!
Everyday we go down the street and swipe our cards, entering the drawing.. then of course, play a little.
 I have been on a ugly losing streak, where as the Teenagers have taken over my luck and keep winning...
The place is packed every night.. I think these casinos just might know what they are doing!

Tonight I did score a red velvet cupcake. Me and every other fool, in the place!

Love me some cake!
 Maybe next week I will get my new car.. Got to play to win, right??

Friday, February 18, 2011


I can't help it I miss him!.
Topher and I were cruising K-Mart. (Oh yes, Vegas still has them. Sans the Blue light.)
Arms heavy with Justin Bieber, and other goodies, I saw him.. a little yellow creature.. I squeezed his hand and he greeted me with the creepiest of "Hi There."
Just so we are clear.. this is what went through my mind...

real truck

toy truck


real nice oven

Toy oven

Real blow up doll.

You get the idea...

In no time at all, the little Demonic thing took over the house. Everyone was amused, yet just a little afraid.

 Topher named him Sodom.. He was not for the light hearted..
 He made crank phone calls..
He demanded attention.
He opened his little sick mouth at the most inappropriate moments. He sang the most horrific of songs..
He jumped into your nightmares and wouldn't let you sleep..

He was kidnapped then hung..

But he was not to be stopped..
One day he went too far......

He took Line Dance Barbie as his personal play thing.. Sodom had to go...  

We sadly said goodbye to cousin Julia, but not before slipping the little yellow freak into her bag.
It was a cruel thing to do, but we did what needed to be done.. and quite honestly we don't see Julia that often.... "See Ya Later!!"

But now that he is gone I kinda miss the old, off key guy... I hope San Francisco is enjoying him!

I miss everyone! I really do..

Thursday, February 17, 2011


If Dad doesn't fall off a roof and kill himself.. The Teenagers have plans to go to Croatia for their 52rd anniversary. Why Croatia? Who knows, it's Mom and Dad they go where they want to go..

So here is a little peek at Croatia.
It has lots and lots of islands!

Photo: Roman Bonnefoy

Behold the natural beauty of Plitvice National Park.  Called the Most Popular Tourist Attraction in Croatia, it spans 300 square kilometers, is made up of sixteen lakes, and accommodates waterfalls and wildlife galore.  It’s also served as a war front.. 

But does it have indoor bathrooms and places to get a diet Coke?

The town of Ston, Croatia, is protected by a wall three and a half miles long. This archaeological gem was built during the fifteen century while the region struggled for some margin of independence from the Ottoman Empire. It gradually decayed over time and was devastated by an earthquake in 1996, but restoration is presently underway.

Who knew there was more than one Great Wall in this world? The town of Ston is also know for their oyster bay.. World famous, and yummy!

Goran Tomasic and his wife Karmen of Croatia were so distraught when their dalmatian dog died that they decided to paint their house black and white in memory of their pet!

It appears that Croatians are pet lovers. Oh, and a wee bit crazy!

 And as a side note.. Dalmatians  take their name from Dalmatia, an Adriatic region that lies mostly within modern-day Croatia..

That is Bo.. He was my doggie, may he rest in peace.... I did not paint my house in Cruella Deville Modern Chic when he passed..

Google Croatian food and I bet you don't leave hungry... Never have I said to myself.. "Wish I had some fried fish skin and bones!"

Um, it might be a good place to visit if you are on a diet!

How romantic!

Okay it is super pretty and very inviting... I can see why they would want to go..

And that is todays Geography lesson... Pop quiz tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

There is something to be said about the feel of earth between your fingers.. the satisfaction of seeing a perfectly dug hole, a struggle against the desert pavement we call dirt. Getting close to mother earth and whatever deity you call God as the smell of fresh flowers, float across your senses..
No! I am not talking about standing in a cemetery.. (you people are sick!)

F#c#  you...  Not time yet!

It is starting to smell and taste like Spring.. The weather is getting warmer, the sun is stronger, the days just a little longer..

Lowe's was kind enough to mark down all their baby roses.. and other Valentine potted flowers..
So June scooped them up and now every empty flower pot around the place is full... It is so nice to see color again!

Trust me there is more.. all around both houses!

When Marti was here she bought a tree.. She wanted a 'Dad Tree' (A bit premature to call it a memorial tree..)   So they went out and bought a almond tree and a pomegranate tree.. 

I love this time of year... getting ready for all that is Spring and Summer... And I love living in the Desert when this time of years arrives that much earlier!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Just want to say...

Happy Valentines day everyone!