Friday, February 18, 2011


I can't help it I miss him!.
Topher and I were cruising K-Mart. (Oh yes, Vegas still has them. Sans the Blue light.)
Arms heavy with Justin Bieber, and other goodies, I saw him.. a little yellow creature.. I squeezed his hand and he greeted me with the creepiest of "Hi There."
Just so we are clear.. this is what went through my mind...

real truck

toy truck


real nice oven

Toy oven

Real blow up doll.

You get the idea...

In no time at all, the little Demonic thing took over the house. Everyone was amused, yet just a little afraid.

 Topher named him Sodom.. He was not for the light hearted..
 He made crank phone calls..
He demanded attention.
He opened his little sick mouth at the most inappropriate moments. He sang the most horrific of songs..
He jumped into your nightmares and wouldn't let you sleep..

He was kidnapped then hung..

But he was not to be stopped..
One day he went too far......

He took Line Dance Barbie as his personal play thing.. Sodom had to go...  

We sadly said goodbye to cousin Julia, but not before slipping the little yellow freak into her bag.
It was a cruel thing to do, but we did what needed to be done.. and quite honestly we don't see Julia that often.... "See Ya Later!!"

But now that he is gone I kinda miss the old, off key guy... I hope San Francisco is enjoying him!

I miss everyone! I really do..


  1. I miss everyone but Sodom! Hope Julia is having a great time with him.

  2. You used a picture of my new oven

  3. I have oven envy... and for copy right reasons, let's say it IS your oven..

  4. I am enjoying the new addition to the office immensely. Fret not, Sodom is in good hands!

  5. Sodom is having a great time in San Francisco. He's already picking up all kinds of bad habits. The office loves him and we use him to creep out the students who come to our office hours.


  6. Great picture! I am glad he has found a home where he can be evil with ease!
