Sunday, December 26, 2010

When family comes to play..

It's a good day because we have Sarah and Chad visiting. (I wasn't so sure this morning at 2:00am when we got home from picking them up at the airport.)

Dad had a visit from a visiting nurse, then we left him to his Sunday football while Sarah, Chad and I went down to the Strip. God only knows what trouble Mom got into unsupervised.

 Now we are back home to spend time with Dad, and suffer through The Sound of Music..
Soon, it's back to the airport to pick up Mike. Two full houses of family!

Happy to have his little girl and Grandson here!
 Looking more and more healthy everyday.


  1. I am so glad Chad and Sarah were able to get a flight out of Atlanta!!!!! Maybe they won't be able to get home - wouldn't that be nice.

  2. He always looks good. Uncle Bob... strong pioneer stock with a smile =) I luv you.
