Thursday, August 4, 2011

Somewhere over the rainbow..

We all know that Mom and Dad have listened to time share sales pitches, and other fantastically boring seminars for free cheap stuff.

But today the guys from Rainbow Vacuums were her victims..
They weren't giving away useless coupons to a amusement park for a hour of Mom's time...No! 
Finally something she could use!

Diet Coke! 2 cases free!!!!
Silly Rainbow folks want $3,500 for a vacuum... not at this address..

It's no bargain!

Will this work for a down payment?
 Dads nurse came by today... same day narcotics delivery to your door is a wonderful thing.
She upped his pain killers, so with that, and a bad night last night he slept most the day.
But he was awake long enough to say hello to the long lost trouble maker.

Hi there!

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