Tuesday, June 28, 2011

You just never know.

I think it was the great and mighty Oprah that said "Everyone has a story."

Listen to me.. for I am Oprah!
Hate to admit it, but she may be right.
Days ago a guy came knocking on the door. He said he was just laid off and was willing to do anything around the house for short money.
I sent him on his way knowing that there was a palm tree that need to be planted next door.

Is this deep enough?
Moments later I hear them in the back yard. I knew the Teenagers would have something for him.
They kept his number.
The grass they planted refuses to come up and face the desert sun.
Sod it is.
Cheap enough for such a small space. 
They call the guy. He wants the job of laying it.
Says he will ride his bike over.. We are talking a couple of miles in over 100 degree heat.

Am I there yet?
Mom picked him up. Cause that is how she rolls.
On the trip back to the house, she found out he worked at the pet cemetery for 15 years. The place was sold and the whole crew was let go for cheaper labor.
He told of the rich and famous burying their pets there. Vegas icons like Dean Martin.
It even has a little chapel.
Of a woman who spent $2,800 to give her pet rat a finally resting place.

I guess they can be cute.
 But not really, its a rat!
 A woman brought her dearly departed Fido a McDonald's hamburger and fries every day, because he loved them in life. (Dead of a doggy heart attack??)

 People actually get buried in the pet cemetery to rest for all time next to their four legged best friend.

Interesting guy.. with shit luck.

I know his story is true because when I Googled Craig Road Pet Cemetery I got their facebook page and there he was.

Damn if I knew I was getting fired I would have called in for this freak Vegas snow storm.
 So listen to Oprah and don't just dismiss people because your a cynic like me.
Unless he introduces himself as Brian David Mitchell.

The one thing that confuses me though is... how did Dad get so dirty when they hired someone to do the work???? Guess he can't help it, the man needs to be involved.. help where and when he can.. that is just how he rolls.

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