Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day and Marti

Dad is loved.. No doubt.
He wife loves him in a romance that has lasted over fifty years.
That love has produced seven kids. (I try not think of how we were made.)
Here is Marti's proof of her respect and devotion to her Dad.
In her words.

I am one, of a privileged group of seven, that can call Bob Udell, “dad”.

dad can be classified with a multitude of characteristics but the one label

he takes most pride in is the role of being a “family man”. He is the

perfect husband to mom and the most incredible father to his seven kids.

I am the person I am today because of the things I have learned from his;

teachings, advice and most of all, through his examples. As a young child my

main objective on a hike was to see how fast I could get to the end of the

trail. That day he advised me to slow down and enjoy the beauty of nature

and ever since I have taken the time to appreciate all the beauties nature

has to offer.

He taught me the skills of so many things I enjoy in life today. From him I

have learned the skills of canoeing, swimming, diving off cliffs, camping,

fishing and many other abilities I have learned that has brought adventure

and enjoyment to my life.

He has taught me how to listen and appreciate all kinds of music. Today, I

use music as my choice of drug. Listening to music allows me to relax when I

need to “chill out” and gives me a backdrop to dance to when I need to be


He has taught me how to take and calculate risks in life. There are always

dangers but if you don’t take risks you miss out on the pleasures life has

to give. Today I take many risks. Sometimes I get hurt, fail or feel

rejection but the rewards of pleasure, accomplishments and friendships have

far outweighed the small pains I have endured, things I would have never

been able to experience if I had not taken the risks.

He has taught me compassion and acceptance of others. He has shown me

through his example no to be harsh on judging others and how to embrace the

diversities of all people. Being open minded to others has given me the

ability to understand and accept their differences.

He has also taught me the way of being able to hold on to the treasures of

life is to give. He has always been a giving person, willing to help out his

family, friends, neighbors and even strangers. I never saw dad walk away or

turn his back on anyone that needed help if he had the abilities and time to

help. This is a gift he has given me that has rewarded me with some of the

greatest satisfaction of life. A big part of my happiness comes from my

ability to give to others.

One of the most important things dad has taught me is how to laugh and have

fun. As a family, we all do crazy things, play practical jokes on each

other, act and play like children, laugh at each other and laugh at

ourselves. Being able to laugh at myself has given me the freedom to go out,

in this uptight world of ours, and celebrate life. This has taught me how to

take life in a more peaceful manner and has given me a wonderful sense of

well-being and happiness.

Dad, thank you for being such a big part in my life. You have been there to

pick me up when I feel down, give me encouragement when I doubt myself, cry

with me when there is nothing else to do but cry, hold me when I need

comfort, laugh with me, not at me, as I learn to laugh at myself and for

sharing all the great experiences we share together. I love you and am proud

to call you my dad.

1 comment:

  1. Your dad is one of my faves. Thanks for sharing. Happy day Bob!
