Monday, May 2, 2011

Party time

I am going to Colorado for a week.
Getting on the plane and leaving the Teenagers home alone. I trust that they will take good care of Bella, considering they plan on sleeping in the Bella house, so she doesn't get lonely.

I'm not sure how a cat that sleeps 23 hours a day can get lonely.
I think I should lay down some house rules before I leave them to their own devices.
Computers can get viruses, so keep the porn gazing to a minimum.
If you are going to invited friends over for a rave and a pill party... give out the good stuff. Otherwise....

These choices could lead to disaster... and the party will end on a very tragic note. Something nobody wants to think about!

And for the love of God.. be responsible, if I come home and Mom is pregnant there will be Hell to pay!

Have a great week everyone!

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