Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday night blahs

Everyone has been feeling a little funky around here. Mom with her surgery, that won't heal fast enough for her. Dad and his symptoms..Me, just feeling punk.

You get the idea.
We haven't gotten out much. I have been watching a lot of Pawn Stars. (Thanks to Topher and netflix)

Which made me think of all the medical bills that have been arriving.
A procedures or a examine cost X amount.  Medicare will say it is only worth X minus Y amount.
The doctor or office can accept the deal or get nothing.
Patient gets the co-pay no matter what.
I owe how much?
Speaking of which. Mom had a follow up appointment today.. with the regular family doctor.. not the Dr Dreamy surgeon.  He said that she will probably feel some pain for at least a month.  Doctor Handsome is next Wednesday.

Kicking Baby

Guess she will need to wait to play with the neighborhood kids!

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