Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ah, another fun day at the hospital. Mom and Dad must be sick of questions like.
"Are you allergic to any medication?"
"Heart problems?"
"Has that STD cleared up yet?"

Okay they didn't ask that last one... but they may have if Dad had asked the question. "So she can't pole dance for at least two weeks?"
Oh yeah, he really said that to the handsome surgeon...
And to his credit, Dr. I have a face made for movies, laughed.

These guys are no competition.
The hospital staff were actually caring. Nurses and Doctors alike. Makes a big difference. Huge!
Mom is home and resting... happy pills in hand.
Dad was a trooper. We came home while she was under. Didn't want him getting sick, or too tired.
Don't tell her though... Let Mom think we stayed the whole time, worried and upset. Shhhhhhh. It's our secret.

Just glad that it is done and over, everything went well. Recovery time shouldn't be that bad.
Now we get ready for Mikey!
He is going to fly in tomorrow night! I love it when my little big brother comes into town!

Ring the bell!

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