Wednesday, April 27, 2011

She must really love him.

We all joke about Mom loving a bargain. No one is safe from being gifted one of her found treasures. We love her for it.. we have even learned to enjoy the high of a great find... doesn't matter it we need the item or not.
A good deal is part of our DNA.

Sure they are ugly, but they were only $5.00
Yesterday she found a Secretary desk at the local Goodwill.. it was a nice rosewood. Only $24.99.. A great deal... Did she buy it?
No, no way, not when on Wednesdays seniors get half off all merchandise!!! Just hours away.
So The Teenagers woke early and were in the parking lot (with walker set), when the doors opened..
Uh oh... sometime between Tuesday afternoon and this morning, the desk was whisked away...

Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn
 Let's face it, she could walk into Ethan Allens and walk out with whatever she wanted.
But where is the fun in that????

But when it comes to Dad that is a different story.
One of his nurses mentioned something called Cell Food... The claim is it will help slow down the cancer. Boost his healthy cells.
Does it work? We can only hope.
It is expensive? Sure. 
They finally found a place locally that sold it and didn't blink.. it's worth a shot.
About a buck a drop.
We love teasing her about her frugal ways, but we love it and love telling her when we find our own treasures at a fantastic price.

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