Sunday, April 3, 2011

Las Vegas, the place where there is no last call..
 The casinos don't have locks on their doors, always open..
 24 hour grocery, Walmarts and fast food.

And of course this..
So it was strange that today every place we wanted to go, was closed.. 
The international warehouse food market.

Then the Costco business center, super size it store.

Even the Dead Poets Used Bookstore... (Public libraries are even open on Sunday)

Sheesh it was like being back in Utah, where everything shuts down on a Sunday..

Mom reminded me about 100 times (Or 2) that Today is Matt's Birthday and not to forget him on the blog..
So Happy Birthday Matt!

He was 4 days away from being a Irish Twin*
He has the Grandma Ruby's Irish stubbornness.
I think he actually cried with a brogue. Maybe he should be out there looking for a pot of gold!

Mom just claimed that he is her favorite child..
So I just want to point out, that when I told her that Matt didn't like his picture on the internet.. she said "Too bad."


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