Friday, March 25, 2011

Vegas is calling

Many things can be said about Las Vegas. Good and bad. Sure the unemployment is the highest in the nation. So is the foreclosures and the school drop out rates..
But the weather is nice.
You can get drunk, and have Elvis marry you and a perfect stranger!

But you Gays stay away.. That would corrupt the sanctity of marriage.. (oops that is a different rant.)
 There is lots to do, and people visit this city. Conventions, The Strip, hooking up with your favorite legal prostitute.
 Our family had a huge Vegas reunion in 2009, before we even thought of moving here.

From that weekend, the famous picture of Topher taking a picture of me, taking a picture of Sarah, of Mike taking a picture of me taking a picture of Sarah taking a picture of me.

The point being, it's nice living where folks come.. This morning Uncle Kent was in town and came to visit. It was nice to see him again. He and Dad got to talk politics and other smart stuff.

Another nice thing about Vegas, it's cheap. So cheap that the Teenagers bought two houses. With two comes twice the problems though. The roofs are in sad shape.
Today they receive a estimate to redo one and repair the other.
Thousands of out of work construction guys, equals a great price on labor.

Ceiling Cat is Watching You
Now we can get rid of that pesky ceiling cat.

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