Friday, February 11, 2011

Because I have a curious mind..

So I was thinking... I wonder what sort of quack products are out there.. What kind of scum are willing to prey on the sick and desperate to make a buck?

So this cynical soul Googled it up! It didn't take long to spend some serious money on bull shit.

This also brings luck, fortune and heals whatever scurvy last nights date brought on..

This doesn't include the laptop you see there.. just some probes and a DVD that will analyse everything from your hair to your KFC dinner...  Worth almost 3 grand I say.

I'm just thinking if the Ethiopians were so good at healing?   Sorry... can't get the image of starving fly ridden children out of my head..

What is eggplant? $1.50 a pound at the market?  Were these eggplants grown by rare chimps in a magical garden?

Review/warning for the magic eggplant elixir..

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