Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hey I know! Let's wait some more..

Another Doctors appointment today, the oncologist.
Do you think that these cancer institutes don't realize that their patients are anxious and the diagnosis of cancer sucks?
To practice Medicine in Las Vegas do you need to take a vow to disregard all your patients needs and worries?
"Hi Bob we know that you have one of the most deadly cancers.. why don't you kick back while we do some more tests.....  and maybe one day before you die, we will start some sort of treatment."

Here.. look at this visual aid I made just for you.

Maybe I should show his oncologist this chart so he gets the idea.
 So another C.A.T Scan before they can start the daily radiation..  Every day for 5 to 6 weeks.. where are they going to do this radiation? Down the street? Across town? Who knows? They couldn't say.( The insurance company hasn't let them know yet..)

They need to implant a pack under his skin for the Chemo,, when?  We don't know yet?
The Chemo will be once a week for 5 to 6 months...
Doctor Manmeet Padda is back in town, Dad has a appointment next week.. He is the doctor that first diagnosed Dad and put in the stent. Oh so long ago..

And if that wasn't enough to make for a fun day... The car won't start!

1 comment:

  1. Cancer Sucks! Doctors, insurance companies and hospitals suck even more!
