Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Thank God!
Santa came through.. we got our Christmas wish, Dad is home!
He broke out of Scummerlin this afternoon. His spirits are much better.
He can move in their king sized bed. No IV tangled around his arms and neck. No doctors or nurses poking and waking him every time he manages to fall asleep.
I haven't seen him this alert and happy in over a week..
See? Like always Mom was right, he needed to come home to heal!

We loved him then and we love him now!


  1. Is Topher pooping his pants in this photo? I remember when the photographer came to take this photo, he was having a hard time keeping the glare from hitting Rhones glasses.

  2. Merry Christmas to you all. That's the best Christmas gift of the year!!!!
