Monday, November 29, 2010

Heated accommodation also available.

For just a little more money.. you can stay in the heated house.

Bed is comfy too.

Your room is ready.

Okay everyone, the house is looking good.
The Guest bedroom in the Sutter Home has a bed! Dad added a door and now we just need friends and family! (Maybe a little heat)
I have also added a picture of the stove Dad wanted so very bad. It really is nice, the double ovens are fun.
Better for making Gingerbread trailer houses.

It will be great to have Topher here in a couple of weeks.
 I know Mom and Dad are grateful that he can come.
  I am too. It is going to be a hard day on the 16th.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sutter Home is drinking up Dads time.

Mom wanted to give you all a up date on the house.

We slept in the Sutter Home last night, even though it was the coldest night of the year. The second coldest Thanksgiving in Las Vegas records.. 30 degrees. There is no heat in the new house yet, and we lived to tell the tale.

Yesterday, Bob bought two bedroom and one closet door. He had to plane them down, he was covered in sawdust head to toe. Sawdust all over the house. Then he took them out into the garage to paint them. So tomorrow we should have doors with doorknobs and hinges. Hinges that he bought in the wrong size. So back to Loews to trade them today. That doesn't happen very often, Bob having to take something back because he bought the wrong size.
Yesterday he hung the ceiling fan in the living room and put the exhaust vent above the stove..
He is like the energizer bunny.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I hope everyone had a great day!
No dishes or left overs here.
 No jell-o or celery dishes..... Yay!!!!*
celery is useless

* Todays blog is really just a reason for me to express my hate for celery..thanks for your time!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanks a lot Marti

Thanks to Marti and her bargain shopping, The Teenagers are proudly displaying their senior status.
It is great having parents that act so young.
Mike and Dad painted the two bedrooms in the Sutter Home.
It looks so good!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

We gave it a name.

The guest house is now known as Sutter Home.
Due to the wall color and because the house was so cheap.
The bedrooms and hall are going to be painted a corkish color.
It is starting to look like a home!

Now that the inside is looking all that, the mishap fountain needs to be destroyed.. I think Utah Lake carp would be ashamed to live in this 'pond'.

I think we all agree.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Getting ready for Mike

I like it when my big little brother comes to visit!  
I am going to go hide all the Jell-O and instant mashed potatoes.

Mom and Dad are so excited they bought him a spotted pony... just think of the fun presents you will get when you all come to visit!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

On a Happier note.

Mom wanted me to give Kudos to Marti.. She had a Jo Stafford CD sent to the house...
I am getting the tissues ready.

They are both excited to see Mike on Saturday...  Got plans for his muscles... That reminds me, I need to take a picture of the worlds ugliest attempt at a fountain, before we let Mike loose on it.  It will be a lesson for all... don't mix, cement, rocks, paint and Chrystal meth!

Topher plans to visit the day of Dad's surgery, Dec 17th.  Mom and I will both be glad to have him here!

Until then, Dad is painting then painting some more!

Another update from Mom.

Mom call the surgeon, Dr. Williams, today to see if she could get some questions answered.

Q- Should Bob start chemo before his surgery?
A-Dr. Williams has not talked to the Oncologist, Dr. Whitehead, yet. So that had not coordinated yet.

Q-What stage is the cancer?
A-They won't know until they look inside.

Q-The stent Dr. Padda put in is plastic and temporary. It will eventually collapse. Will Dr Williams put in a metal stent while Bob is opened up?
A-If they do the Whipple procedure the will be no need. If the cancer is inoperable then Dr. Padda will need to do the surgery to put in another stent.

Q-Will chemo shrink the tumor, if surgery cannot be done?
A-Depends on how advanced the tumor is and what chemo mixture they decide to use.

To learn more about the Whipple procedure click on the link.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Marti got leid!

I have long suspected that those in first class receive special prizes.  Real meat, foot massages, top shelf booze, frequently washed cashmere blankets and use of electronic devices the whole flight.... I don't know if I am right, ask Marti she knows the secret first class handshake.

On her flight to Hawaii, in first class, she noticed a couple. The woman was a paraplegic. Marti, being raised by The Teenagers, introduced herself and offered assistance if needed...  As the flight made its way across the Pacific the couple did ask for her help.

The flight attendants noticed. Rather than the scheduled first class contest, they gave Marti and the woman the prizes.. A Lei!

It is nice to know that not all good deeds don't go unpunished! I think Marti and the rest of us have applied our stellar upbringing for the benefit of others.. makes me proud to be a member of this family!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

So many kids, so much joy!

Mom and Dad love it when their babies come to visit!
Marti was just here, Mike is arriving on Saturday, Sarah and Chad and Mike again for Christmas!
What's not to love?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Couldn't resist

How could I not take this picture?
The teenagers exhausted after a day of painting..

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Their song

Warning.. It makes them cry.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

He keeps on going!

Starting to attack the kitchen.. The black is going the way of the night sky bathroom.
Both Bathrooms are painted, and Mom is hitting everything insight with the Shark Steam cleaner.. a activity I totally agree with.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Furniture Store Adventures..

Having fun with shopping and bargain hunting.!
Pirate wasn't a bargain so he remains without a home.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Distractions are good!
Looking forward to Marti's visit tomorrow.. The Teenagers are all excited.. They have a new city and two new houses to show off..
I say Marti gets to go on the Saturday morning trolling for excellent garage sales!

Moms message to you all..

Here is a synopsis of what the doctors told the Teenagers.

Yesterday Bob went to the gastrologist at 9:30am then the Oncologist at 1:30.. a day for doctors.
The gastrologist said there was a chance a oncology surgeon could remove the tumor. He will use a camera to take pictures of the tumor and see if it is operable .  Chances are 50/50. Bob has a appointment to meet with him on Monday the 8th.
We are keeping our fingers crossed that is operable!
Then off to the Nevada Cancer Institute, time to meet the Oncologist.  The Oncologist recommended Chemo and radiation ASAP. We told him that we wanted to see the surgeon fist.. the Doctor said that even if he has the surgery he would still need the treatments.
The oncologist further explained why the pancreas cancer would be a delicate operation. Of the tumor tentacles have wrapped around blood vessels in the pancreas , then it will be inoperable. But if there is enough fatty tissue between the cancer and blood vessels it will be a go.   The camera will show the layers of the tumor. The procedure will require a incision.  

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Guest house

It is official. They have the house!
(The house doesn't come with the cars and people.)