Here is a synopsis of what the doctors told the Teenagers.
Yesterday Bob went to the gastrologist at 9:30am then the Oncologist at 1:30.. a day for doctors.
The gastrologist said there was a chance a oncology surgeon could remove the tumor. He will use a camera to take pictures of the tumor and see if it is operable . Chances are 50/50. Bob has a appointment to meet with him on Monday the 8th.
We are keeping our fingers crossed that is operable!
Then off to the Nevada Cancer Institute, time to meet the Oncologist. The Oncologist recommended Chemo and radiation ASAP. We told him that we wanted to see the surgeon fist.. the Doctor said that even if he has the surgery he would still need the treatments.
The oncologist further explained why the pancreas cancer would be a delicate operation. Of the tumor tentacles have wrapped around blood vessels in the pancreas , then it will be inoperable. But if there is enough fatty tissue between the cancer and blood vessels it will be a go. The camera will show the layers of the tumor. The procedure will require a incision.