Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You should know better!

Two things that we all should have learned.
1-Never get directions from Mom.
2-Never play board games with Mom.

Marti never got that memo.

Taking Mom and Dads direction for the express bus to the suburbs (WAX), she got on the wrong bus and Dad and I had to go find her in the bowels of Las Vegas.. Not the glitzy parts..

Could have been worse.
Tonight Mom and Marti were playing a game... Mom likes to make up her own rules.
Bella has her own way of joining in.

Hey why didn't you deal me in?

Because you are a cat.. now let me make my move!

Look I know how to play this.. put a tile right here.

See! I told you I knew how to do this.

I never got the memo warning about going to the market with Marti.

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