Monday, July 11, 2011

Pass the popcorn.

Anytime you sit on a plane or lose hours of your life at the DMV, there is someone holding a copy of this.

It's the Davinci Code of today.
Yesterday we finished the trilogy, the American way, we watched it.
Subtitles and all.
2 1/2 hours of twists and a list of characters as long as a public school classroom roll call.
A movie you need to watch every minute, or you are lost.
Dad stayed awake the whole movie!

Popcorn 03 Scarlett Johanssen
Sadly, Scarlett Johanssen wasn't with us.
It's come down to the little victories.

He even volunteered to go with me and pick up Quynn and Chelsea form the airport. (Crazy kids drove back to Utah in the middle of the night.. )
At eleven at night! 
Mom and I strangely discouraged him and she went with me. (We forgot we were glad when he wants to get out of the house.)

Airports are full of germs and weird people.
Tomorrow is Marti day! Glad she is on her way..

Good thing I know my way to the airport!

1 comment:

  1. And we made it safe and sound! But going to work after 2 1/2 hours of sleep is no fun! Next time...we'll stay the nigh! ha ha! Thanks for picking us up! We really appreciated not having to taxi it to the car!
