Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Another update from Mom.

Mom call the surgeon, Dr. Williams, today to see if she could get some questions answered.

Q- Should Bob start chemo before his surgery?
A-Dr. Williams has not talked to the Oncologist, Dr. Whitehead, yet. So that had not coordinated yet.

Q-What stage is the cancer?
A-They won't know until they look inside.

Q-The stent Dr. Padda put in is plastic and temporary. It will eventually collapse. Will Dr Williams put in a metal stent while Bob is opened up?
A-If they do the Whipple procedure the will be no need. If the cancer is inoperable then Dr. Padda will need to do the surgery to put in another stent.

Q-Will chemo shrink the tumor, if surgery cannot be done?
A-Depends on how advanced the tumor is and what chemo mixture they decide to use.

To learn more about the Whipple procedure click on the link.


  1. That really wasn't a helpful conversation.

  2. Thank You for the updates, didn't learn a hell of a lot more, but the updates are still good.
