Sunday, July 3, 2011

What's for dinner?

One of the good things about having siblings and friends come visit, is dinner is a little easier. (The sparkling personalities are a plus, also.)

Lately it has been a gamble cooking a meal. Who knows if or when it will be eaten.

I'll just have a bean or two.

Mom has never been one to sit down and eat a big meal. Dad was the guy who had seconds then later scarfed down leftovers.

So it was nice to actually sit down as a family and break bread.  Thanks Sarah, for eating my food!

Oh and Marti..

Veggies suck! But we will try to feed Dad more green stuff. I wish he had a bigger appetite, I would fix whatever he wanted all day long.  Hate seeing him get so skinny.

Add Velveeta, and baby carrots.


  1. I know you would fix him anything he wanted any time he wanted. It is just sad to see him not wanting anything.

  2. I use to bring Daddy ice cream every time I saw him. The one thing he would eat "out of obligation." Even if it was the kiddie size I always enjoyed the look on his face with that first bite.
