Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Girl Power

We miss Sarah... her quiet stealth humor.
Topher and Mike are not so subtle when they have something to say.
Either way, my siblings make make me laugh.

Mom and I try to rally Dad, but sometimes he just doesn't want to have fun.
I guess it's his right.

Come next Tuesday he won't have a choice, the little power house, known as Marti is flying in.

If anyone can do it Marti can.
 Marti is a lot like Dad, but make no mistake, she is Junes daughter.

Looking at flights out here, she found them all ridiculously priced. 
Was she to be discouraged?
No, not at all.
She found a last minute package deal with Hotel and Flight for half the price of just the flight.

Our family motto.
So even if she doesn't stay there.... We have pool access!!!!
Wait... Public pools have germs and pee.. ewwww.
I will let them hang out at the pool, I will  just stay home and read in the sun...

Much better!

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