Monday, June 6, 2011

Tuesdays are for Topher

Okay here are the pictures I promise..

Say goodbye to the pretty weeds!

Nice weeds and old gravel...

Dad getting ready for the make over.
Mom is happy, because she can go bare foot.

Dad watering his soon to be lawn, shit grows fast here.

Looking good!
Tomorrow is a busy day.. First I get Topher! Yay!
While I am doing that Dad has to pre-register for his surgery Thursday.. The one where they are going to put a stent in his stomach, so the guy can eat.

The Teenagers get so excited when their off spring come to play. 
I told Mom I wanted to pick up some saline solution, so when peeps come to play they don't need to worry about packing over 3oz. We can just leave it in the Guest Bathrooms...
She thought that was a good idea and then some..

a simple bottle turned into this. A gift basket for the boys.. what a hostess!

Best part is they are going to be looking for something sinister..
The joke is... its all useful practical stuff..

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