Thursday, June 16, 2011

Can you picture it?

Picture this.
You walk into a place, a over enthusiastic man greets you upon entering.
With his obvious comb over, he shows you around, room after room..
Curtains drawn, candles flickering.
The faint scent of sandalwood incense.
Whispering about the healing powers of yoga and reiki massage.
The sad sounds of sitar music assaults the ears.

Is it a hookah lounge????
Now imagine Dad traveling 40 minutes in traffic to get to such a place..??? 
Can you picture it????
Didn't think so.
The Caring Place.

It must have been the brain child of a cancer survivor enjoying the mellow of medical marijuana.  
We took the tour today.. I doubt we can get Dad back.. can't say that I blame him.

There really aren't any cancer support groups in the area...
Too bad he isn't a gambling, alcoholic sex addict.
Plenty of support there!

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