Saturday, May 14, 2011

To the market we go.

It was busy today.
After days stuck in the house Mom was feeling better and ready to get out.
Dad is on new medication, that helps him digest and has food for fuel.

First thing, Mike took them to the Doctors.. I was really worried about having him step into the office of a guy called Dr. Manmeet.. he behaved.
He is  going to put a stent into Dads stomach to help him keep even more food down.

We decided that Mike would be amused with the International Market. Food is fun... 
I think I will stick with the European and American foods..
Anything with dried fish and seaweed is not for me..
Dad on the other hand will try anything once.
Oh my, so many olives! Mmmmmm

"No olives for you!" Mike is mean.

.99 cents of gross!

They look like this inside... Big yum in Thailand.. Icky.

Dried fish crunchies.

Coffee or not, I still hate Jello.

Dad and I are going to test his new stent and meds.. A huge pot of chili!

Whisk away, old man!

After all that we went to Burger King.

Mike and his colossal bag of oolong tea. $8.99 for 5 pounds!

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