Sunday, April 10, 2011

Meat and Cheese

For seventeen years (since his heart attack) Dad has been strict with his diet. Very little fat, no red meat and tiny amounts of blue cheese.  He loves cheese.. sometimes it sits in a trunk and he still thinks he can consume it.

Yum... trunk cheese!
So it has been strange to see him use real butter.. dress his food with Parmesan. Usually when Mom and I have a steak, he will have fish.. works out, cause he likes fish and Mom, not so much.
Yesterday he decided he was having streak with us.

Hey! I think you are supposed to cook it first.
 I not sure his body knew what to do with all that red meat.. He had a rough night.. got sick, cold and had some pains.. I like to think it was his meal. Probably not.

Tonight we had chicken.

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